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Paper Session 1: Information Behaviors

The Dark Side of Relevance: The Effect of Non-Relevant Results on Search Behavior
Mustafa Abualsaud and Mark Smucker
COVID-19 Information Tracking Solutions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Factors Influencing People’s Adoption
Yue Huang, Borke Obada-Obieh, Elissa M. Redmiles, Satya Lokam and Konstantin Beznosov
The Crowd is Made of People: Observations from Large-Scale Crowd Labelling
Paul Thomas, Gabriella Kazai, Ryen White and Nick Craswell

Paper Session 2: Conversational Search, Information Seeking, and Review

"Mhm..." - Conversational Strategies For Product Search Assistants
Andrea Papenmeier, Alexander Frummet and Dagmar Kern
Meta-Information in Conversational Search (TOIS paper)
Johannes Kiesel, Lars Meyer, Martin Potthast, and Benno Stein
Partners in life and online search: Investigating older couples' collaborative information seeking
Winter Wei, Cosmin Munteanu and Martin Halvey
The Role of Latent Semantic Categories and Clustering in Enhancing the Efficiency of Human Sensitivity Review
Hitarth Narvala, Graham Mcdonald and Iadh Ounis

Paper Session 3: Novel Interfaces

The Influence of Data Storytelling on Information Recall from Visualizations
Dominyk Zdanovic, Tanja Lembcke and Toine Bogers
Search Interfaces for Biomedical Searching: How do Gaze, User Perception, Search Behaviour and Search Performance Relate?
Ying-Hsang Liu, Paul Thomas, Tom Gedeon and Nicolay Rusnachenko
Watch Less and Uncover More: Could Navigation Tools Help Users Search and Explore Videos?
María Pérez Ortiz, Sahan Bulathwela, Claire Dormann, Meghana Verma, Stefan Kreitmayer, Richard Noss, John Shawe-Taylor, Yvonne Rogers and Emine Yilmaz

Paper Session 4: Privacy, Credibility, and Viewpoints

Privacy at a Glance: A Process to Learn Modular Privacy Icons During Web Browsing
Maximiliane Windl, Anna-Marie Ortloff, Niels Henze and Valentin Schwind
Featured Snippets and their Influence on Users’ Credibility Judgements
Markus Bink, Steven Zimmerman and David Elsweiler
Does Search Engine Optimization come along with high-quality content? A comparison between optimized and non-optimized health-related web pages
Sebastian Schultheiß, Helena Häußler and Dirk Lewandowski
Comprehensive Viewpoint Representations for a Deeper Understanding of User Interactions With Debated Topics
Tim Draws, Oana Inel, Nava Tintarev, Christian Baden and Benjamin Timmermans

Paper Session 5: Search Tasks and Contexts

Searching the Literature: an Analysis of an Exploratory Search Task
Ayah Soufan, Ian Ruthven and Leif Azzopardi
A comparison of dataset search behaviour of internal versus search engine referred sessions
Luis-Daniel Ibáñez and Elena Simperl
Procedural Knowledge Search by Intelligence Analysts
Bogeum Choi, Sarah Casteel, Robert Capra and Jaime Arguello
Analyzing information resources that support the creative process
Yuan Li, Yinglong Zhang and Robert Capra

Paper Session 6: Search-as-Learning, User Modeling, and Conversational Search

Learner, Assignment, and Domain: Contextualizing Search for Comprehension
Catherine Smith, Kelsey Urgo, Jaime Arguello and Robert Capra
The Effects of Domain and Search Knowledge on Learning Outcomes in Digital Library Use
Heather O'Brien, Amelia Cole, Andrea Kampen and Kathy Brennan
Inferring Search User Language Proficiency from Eye Gaze Data
Ben Steichen, Wilsen Kosasih and Christian Becerra
Theories of conversation for conversational IR (TOIS paper)
Paul Thomas, Mary Czerwinski, Daniel McDuff, and Nick Craswell

Paper Session 7: Viewpoints and Perspectives

Situating Search
Chirag Shah and Emily M. Bender
Turn and Face the Strange: Investigating Filter Bubble Bursting Information Interactions
Dana Mckay, Kaipin Owyong, Stephann Makri and Marisela Gutierrez Lopez
Reading Between the Lies: A Classification Scheme of Types of Reply to Misinformation in Public Discussion Threads
George Buchanan, Ryan Kelly, Stephann Makri and Dana Mckay

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