In the webinar series “Can health be digital?”, a wide range of topics related to the digitization of the healthcare system will be examined. The fourth event in this series will take place on February 16, 2023 and is dedicated to the topic of “data donation”.
Data donations in health for research and industry have the potential to significantly improve patient care and therapy. Unfortunately, data donations are at the moment not yet reality, but they should be made possible in the near future. In addition to other points, it is important to illuminate the perspective and relevant points from the view of the patient and to classify these points legally in relation to the status quo. These two perspectives and others will be addressed in the webinar episode.
Thursday, 02-16-2023, 03:00 p.m. – 04:30 p.m., virtual event
Further details & registration at:
This is an event of the Topic Platform Digital Health and Medicine of Bavaria Innovative and takes place in collaboration with myoncare, yeswecan!cer, Noerr and Identity Valley Research.