Using Games-With-A-Purpose to Label NLP Data: Lessons from the Last Ten Years

Games-With-A-Purpose (GWAPs) have proven very successful for crowdsourcing data labels in a number of fields, including, e.g., for image labelling and in biology, but less so in NLP, where they are still not widely used. Our own Phrase Detectives project is among the most successful projects. In this talk, I will discuss the project, the lessons we drew from it, and more recent work aimed at addressing those issues.
Joint work with Richard Bartle (Essex), Jon Chamberlain (Essex), Doruk Kicikoglu (Queen Mary), Udo Kruschwitz (Regensburg), and Chris Madge (Queen Mary).
Thursday, 2019-09-19, 16:00–18:00, H8 (Audimax)