Next Level Agriculture – One Step Ahead with AI

The application potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in the areas agriculture, forestry and food is far greater than previously realized. Practical applications have already started to revolutionize the industry and this event aims to show you how.

In the annual event “Research State Bavaria – Here Grows Knowledge” you will gain insights into innovative research projects of the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry. This year, the topic of AI will be supplemented – in cooperation with the Competence Network Digital Agriculture Bavaria and the Bavarian Industry Association – with valuable insights from the economy and inspiring field reports from everyday agriculture life.

Friday, 11-24-2023, 10:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m., Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, Munich

More details & registration at:

This is an event of Bayern Innovativ (Bavaria Innovative), the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry, the Competence Network Digital Agriculture Bavaria and the Bavarian Industry Association.

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