Who Controls the Working World of Tomorrow? Understand Artificial Intelligence and Use It Responsibly!

Artificial intelligence is changing the world of work – today and in the future. This applies to almost all job profiles and sectors. Because AI can be used for a wide variety of areas in working life, from production to company training.

The use of AI has an impact on the workplaces affected, on industrial relations and on corporate culture. The humane use of AI is a key task when it comes to shaping the working world of tomorrow. Used correctly and responsibly, AI serves as an assistance system to reduce workloads, improve working conditions and promote “good work”. How can AI be meaningfully integrated into the world of work and how does the use of AI affect the respective jobs in concrete terms? How can positive effects on “good work” be generated and at the same time risks and harmful effects of this technology be averted? What skills do we need for this?

Wednesday, 11-15-2023, 10:00 a.m. – 01:30 p.m., hybrid event

More details and registration at: https://www.bayern-innovativ.de/de/events-und-messen/veranstaltungen/veranstaltung/netzwerkkonferenz-arbeitswelt-2023.

This is an event of Bayern Innovativ (Bavaria Innovative) and the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs.

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