TRIOKON 2023 – the Future of Work

New management models, intelligent robots, labor shortage, innovative manufacturing methods, digital processes, agile methods, interconnected machines and Work 4.0 – “New Work” for short – has many faces and presents many companies with profound challenges.

What role does the human being play as the interface between digital and physical workflows? Do robots compete with us for our jobs or are they a useful addition? How am I perceived as an employer and what do employees expect from companies and superiors? How can I motivate my employees permanently and strengthen their loyalty in the long term? These and other questions will be discussed with you at TRIOKON 2023. You can expect impulses from science and practice in East Bavaria.

Tuesday, 09-26-2023, 01:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m., DIT – Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Deggendorf Campus

More details & registration at:

This is an event of the INDIGO network.

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