With AI Tools to Efficient and Sustainable Engineering

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT and DALL-E, which generate images and text based on short instructions (so-called “prompts”), are currently receiving a lot of attention. Opinions often differ widely, from concerns about abuse through the spread of false information to hopes for the often elusive possibilities of such and future AI tools. However, one thing seems clear: the impact on everyday life and the world of work will be fundamental and are already noticeable in some cases today.

From a company’s perspective, the question arises how AI can be used best in the future. There are big expectations in the use of AI tools in product development and engineering in order to make them more efficient but also ecologically sustainable. For example, an AI tool could automatically generate design proposals for components or entire products that have the smallest possible CO2 footprint and take many influencing parameters into account at the same time. But where lies the greatest potential of AI in engineering and what is already possible today? This edition of the webinar series “From Research to Practice” offers an insight into current research activities and results on AI tools for the use in engineering.

Thursday, 07-20-2023, 01:00 p.m. – 02:30 p.m., virtual event

Further details & registration at: https://www.bayern-innovativ.de/de/events-und-messen/veranstaltungen/veranstaltung/aus-der-forschung-in-die-praxis-juli2023.

This event by “Bayern Innovativ” (Bavaria Innovative) takes place in cooperation with the Bavarian AI Agency and the “Themenplattform Arbeitswelt 4.0 – ZD.B” (Working World 4.0 Themed Platform of the Bavarian Digitization Center).

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