The Cluster Mobility & Logistics, together with the City of Regensburg and the OTH Regensburg, invites you to an event in the TechBase on Monday, March 13, 2023. After a lecture at the beginning of the event on the latest research topics in the field of quantum computing, which is intended to show you the enormous potential that quantum computers could offer in solving certain problem classes, exciting project approaches are to be developed together during the further event and in subsequent steps be transferred to a project idea with a project outline in a project consortium. This approach should further promote and strengthen Regensburg as a business location in the field of quantum technology.
Monday, 03-13-2023, 01:00 p.m. – 03:00 p.m., TechBase Regensburg, Room Einstein
Further details & registration at:
This is an event of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics.