Contemporary tools and techniques in big data, and iterative forms of machine learning (toward expanding levels and capability of artificial intelligence, AI) are enabling acquisition, assimilation, synthesis and broad use of massive amounts of our biological, psychological, and social information.
As well, increasing commercial investment, and multinational engagement of these tools and methods have created a diverse stage of actors, interests, values, ethics, and laws that each and all affect individual and collective users, and stakeholders. These realities beg re-inquiry of the classical question: cui bono; cui malo (for whose benefit and for whose harm)?
In this lecture Prof. Dr. James Giordano of Georgetown University Medical Center will present current and near-term developments in the integration of these scientific and technological approaches, discuss the range of their uses in various contexts and domains, pose current and near future ethico-legal concerns, and propose considerations for their address and resolution.
Monday, 11-21-2022, starting from 05.30 p.m., virtual event
More details at:
This is an event of the Philosophical Cafe at the Regensburg University of Applied Sciences.