Is He Still Assisting or Is He Already Operating – Clinical Robotics: the Doctors of the Future?

Robots have become indispensable in modern medicine – and in particular in minimally invasive surgery: smaller, more flexible, more specialized, more intelligent and however yet only in the function of technical assistants. Will it stay like this? Where is the journey going? What are the main hurdles when it comes to establishing robotics and related technologies in everyday clinical practice?

The MedtecSUMMIT with the focus ‘Is He Still Assisting or Is He Already Operating – Clinical Robotics: the Doctors of the Future?’ discusses these and other questions in various expert panels. The focus is on the hurdles that arise on the way to establishing robotics in everyday clinical practice, especially with regard to reimbursement, user acceptance and quality assurance in clinical use. On the other hand, it will be discussed whether and to what extent robotics contributes to safety and how the market will develop in the future in terms of the ‘size’ not only of robots themselves, but also of the players behind them. In addition to the panels, the exhibition of robotic systems and an organized match-making, a guided tour through KUKA’s innovation rooms awaits you as a special highlight.

Wednesday, 10-05-2022, 09.00 a.m. – 05.00 p.m., Technology Center Augsburg

More details and registration at:

This event of “Bayern Innovativ” (Bavaria Innovative) and the Forum MedTech Pharma takes place in cooperation with the “A3 Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH” (A3 Regional Augsburg Business LLC).