From Smart Mobility to Smart Farming: Autonomous Driving in Agriculture

On the occasion of the third nationwide Digital Day, representatives of the automotive and agricultural sectors will meet at the event “From Smart Mobility to Smart Farming: Autonomous Driving in Agriculture” on June 24th at BayWa AG in Munich.

Highly automated harvesting vehicles, self-propelled tractors and autonomous field robots: promising systems are already being used in practice today. Autonomous systems in agriculture promise to relieve farmers and to farm more resource-efficiently. They should contribute to economic and ecological sustainability.

The frequently changing environmental conditions pose challenges for autonomous vehicles in agriculture. Thus, not only the automotive but also the agricultural sector faces a number of questions before autonomous agricultural machines or vehicles can be used on a broad scale. At the event, various topics will be discussed together in interactive formats based on impulses from the automotive industry and agriculture.

Friday, 06-24-2022, 09.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m., BayWa AG Munich

More details and registration here.

This is an event of Bitkom and Bayern Innovativ (“Bavaria Innovative”).