Is the automotive industry able to use AI?

The automotive industry is undergoing a comprehensive transformation that encompasses technologies, products and services, but also business models and markets. How can future-proof structures be created in this change, how can projects be implemented quickly and purposefully? AI can help in overcoming these challenges. With representative employment data, it is possible to show what potential the employees – from the shop floor to engineering – have to influence the use of AI. This potential is particularly important because AI has some limits that must be consciously dealt with in a technical environment if you want to increase the opportunities of AI.

Thursday, 05-20-2021, 10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m., virtual event

More details & registration at:

This is an event of “Bayern Innovativ – Bayerische Gesellschaft für Innovation und Wissenstransfer mbH” (Bayern Innovativ – Bavarian Society for Innovation and Knowledge Transfer).