“Hey Voicebot, show us your future!” – What is already possible today thanks to artificial intelligence and what the future will (probably) bring.

What sounded like science fiction not so long ago has long become reality today: language assistants make everyday life easier and companies also use them in a wide variety of situations at the interface to the customer. But how does a voicebot actually work? And what else will be possible in the future thanks to artificial intelligence?

As part of this workshop, you can take a look “under the hood” of a voicebot and design solutions using voicebots together with the experienced consultants from Q_PERIOR AG. In addition, the consultants give you an honest insight into their everyday work.

Tuesday, 12-06-2022, 04:00 p.m. – 06:30 p.m., University of Regensburg, RW(S) 101

More details and registration here.

This is an event of the Marketing and Career Service at the University of Regensburg.