Historical Buildings with Artificial Intelligence: Ways to a Sustainable Energy Transition in Existing Buildings

Energetic building modernization – that does not always mean just thermal insulation at any price. In the MAGGIE research project, solar-active facades for using the building mass as heat storage were researched. Artificial intelligence ensures that the energy requirements of the building are covered as optimally as possible from renewable energy sources (sun and environment) through suitable operational management of photovoltaics, heat pumps and combined heat and power plants, thus minimizing CO2 emissions and energy costs. Sensors, machine learning with neural networks and an optimization algorithm work in a dynamic control loop – you can find out more about this in the presentation!

Monday, 10-10-2022, 07:30 p.m. – 09:00 p.m., Thon-Dittmer-Palais, Haidplatz 8, Reading Hall

More details and registration at: https://www.vhs-regensburg.de/programm/gesellschaft/kurs/Historische+Gebaeude+mit+Kuenstlicher+Intelligenz/nr/F10100/bereich/details/kat/4/.

This is an event of the Adult Education Center of the City of Regensburg.