Artificial Intelligence – Status Monitoring and Prediction for More Sustainable Production

The “Themenplattform Digital Production & Engineering – ZD.B” (Digital Production & Engineering Themed Platform of the Bavarian Digitization Center) helps to connect science and industry in order to support the knowledge transfer of scientific findings into industrial companies, to facilitate access to research institutions and to transfer requirements from industry to science.

Bayern Innovativ” (Bavaria Innovative) would like to make a contribution to this with the webinar series “From research into practice”. The four main topics: Digital Twin, Systems Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation form the central themes of this webinar series.

The topics Digital Twin (event on September 30, 2021) and Systems Engineering (event on December 02, 2021) form the starting point for the digitization of production systems. Once this initial situation has been created, the existing data can be further examined and analyzed using Artificial Intelligence (event on February 03, 2022) and/or Simulation (event on March 31, 2022) in order to optimize production, uncover sources of errors and make reliable predictions.

Target Group:

Companies and firms interested in current and future development results; as well as research institutions that want to transfer their research results into practice and receive impulses from industry

Thursday, 02-03-2022, 01:00 p.m. – 02:30 p.m., virtual event

Further details & registration at:

This event by “Bayern Innovativ” (Bavaria Innovative) takes place in cooperation with the “Themenplattform Digital Production & Engineering – ZD.B” (Digital Production & Engineering Themed Platform of the Bavarian Digitization Center), the “Cluster Mechatronik & Automation” (Cluster Mechatronics & Automation) and the “Cluster Neue Werkstoffe” (Cluster New Raw Materials).